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GitHub # x-geolocation ![GitHub Actions Status]( Declarative Geolocation API as Web Components. ## Demo Latitude: Longitude: ## Install Using [npm]( ```sh $ npm install x-geolocation ``` ## Usage Import `XGeolocation` and register it. ```html ``` Put `` tag. ```html ``` ### Monitoring position change To monitor position changing, execute `monitorPosition()` function. ```js document.querySelector('x-geolocation').monitorPosition(); ``` Or set `monitor` attribute. ```html ``` ### Handle position changes Handle `positionchange` event using `addEventListener()`. ```js document.querySelector('x-geolocation').addEventListener('positionchange', e => { console.log('latitude:', e.detail.latitude); console.log('longitude:', e.detail.longitude) }); ``` ## License [MIT]( © [Shogo Sensui](